Alliance for Primary Care
Strategically partnered civil society organizations for advocating with the public and legislative sectors to improve Primary Health Care (PHC) through initiatives that: improve the Brazilian Unified Health System’s (SUS) management model and careers; quicken change and innovation in the SUS; reduce the prevalence of risk factors and foster new healthier environments.
The partnership has already enabled the Health in the City Platform launch, which has been condensed into an e-bookwith 10 suggestions to improve Brazilians’ health. Two evidence-based overviews were published on the Lines of PHC for Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases (Panorama IEPSNo. 2) and the Innovation in Health in Brazil (Panorama IEPS No. 3).
Primary Health Care is improved through more effective public policies, starting with better evidence-based decision-making and influencing public opinion, the electoral agenda, and legislative activity.
Operational territory:
Benefited audience:
Health care teams and public managers
Area addressed:
Primary Care and Chronic NCDs