Challenges of Primary Care in the SUS
The PHC work process must be reorganized for epidemics to preserve its attributes (access, longitudinal nature, care coordination, and family and community approach) and maintain contact between people and health care professionals. Contact ensures early detection and monitoring of COVID-19 and continuity of care, especially for those with chronic NCDs or affected by post-COVID syndrome.
The “Primary Care Challenges in SUS while fighting the COVID-19 pandemic” initiative was run to identify the central constraints and strategies for reorganizing primary health care / primary care during pandemics. It was based on a cross-sectional study using a survey with a sample group representative of Brazilian Basic Health Care Units (UBS).
The survey was conducted by researchers from USP, FioCruz, UFPEL, UFMG, and UFSC, with financial support from PAHO and the Umane Association.