Experiences that feed II
This project—conceived by the Center for Nutritional Recovery and Education (CREN) and supported by Umane—focuses on developing a training solution for Food and Nutrition Education (FNE) for early childhood education professionals and the children and their families.
Experiences that Feed I (CREN, 2019) fostered a new approach for health professionals to use as complementary-feeding guidance while consulting families starting a new feeding phase for 6-to-12-month-olds. In 2020, the 2nd edition of the project offered an innovative approach to expand and disseminate FNE activities in Early Childhood Education Centers in the São Miguel Paulista Region.
Understanding the importance of the school-family relationship for child development, the project has been enhancing meaningful learning experiences with educators, managers, family members, babies, and children. This journey has been achieving its ultimate goal, which is to strengthen good eating practices in schools, influencing the caregivers’ and families’ infant-feeding habits to prevent nutritional deviations in children and foster good health.
Strengthening of best practices in Food and Nutrition Education in schools, fostering a culture change capable of promoting good health and preventing nutritional deviations in children.
Operational territory:
São Paulo (in the São Miguel Paulista Region)
Benefited audience:
Educators, school kitchen staff and managers, including children in our partner Early Childhood Education Centers and their families
Area addressed:
Obesity and malnutrition